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A book "CYM"

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The book by author lee "CYM" is a science fiction novel about artificial intelligence and Human Consciousness
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A book "CYM"
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The book by author lee "CYM" is a science fiction novel about artificial intelligence and Human Consciousness.

What can a person who has lost his or her loved ones do? To find the motivation to continue living and, moreover, to live to the maximum, filling their existence with a higher meaning, joy, interest? And then, perhaps, after each separation we will inevitably wait for a new meeting with those who are especially dear to us...?

In his new work, the author lee extremely sharp puts the eternal questions about the nature of man and reality. What is mind and consciousness, how does life arise and what is its meaning? Where can the vector of human evolution as a species be directed, and what does it mean to be conscious?
It is worth noting that, despite the serious semantic load, before you is a novel, a story that is interesting in itself, and told on behalf of several characters, including the Artificial Intelligence, whose name is SYM.

Книги – "Инструкция к реальности" , "Инструкция к телу" , "Ключи к Сознанию" , "СИМ" и "Крылья демона" написаны автором под псевдонимом lee.  Авторские права защищены международным правом и законом  «ОБ АВТОРСКОМ ПРАВЕ И СМЕЖНЫХ ПРАВАХ».  Любое использование текста вне согласования с автором будут обжалованы в судебном порядке. Для согласования использования текстов книги «Инструкция к реальности. Кто я?»  и "Как материализовать мысли" обращайтесь по адресу указанному в контактах сайта.

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