Instructions for reality
Book of Changes. I-Ching
Interpretation of hexagrams
based on the trigram “Mountain”
Trigram Gen - "Mountain"

5. Time to act. You are in the position where your momentum is the strongest. This is the point of taking action. Any delay and reflection is a waste of energy.
Everything is ready to be manifested into your reality. The main danger would be to submit to the will of another, transferring control into someone else’s hands. This is your strong position for decisive action. Go ahead!

Hexagram 31 interpretation of the Book of Changes
The stage of the beginning of action. Your first attempt to realize your plans.
If you follow the plan exactly, success awaits you. If you suddenly decide to replay something – you could get a discord.
At this moment your precise mechanism is making its first turns. It's important not to try to speed it up or rush to sort it out again. It needs running in, as well as adjustment to other aspects of the process.
The situation requires a high degree of caution and attentiveness to what is happening. It's a time of mastery, not a brute force.

Hexagram 56 interpretation of the Book of Changes
Here you are sufficiently composed, prepared and your actions are gaining fullness. If you continue to move in the same vein, you will achieve your goals..
It is essential to recognize that you are on the right track.
Maybe, right now you are still far from the desired outcome and lack the support of others at this moment, however, your actions are very balanced.
The second wind will come soon, but for now, keep going.

Hexagram 62 interpretation of the Book of Changes
Hexagram 62 shows that you may be wasting too much energy on the details, while missing the whole.
Your excess energy is directed to a process that is already running. There is a risk of working yourself up into additional stress or nervous tension.
The weakness of the position is that it's possible to destroy what is already working perfectly. An appropriate proverb here is: "Perfect is the enemy of good." There's no need to push a working pendulum.
In personal life, this is characteristic of being jealous. Please, note, that in this place it is destructive - you will be definitely destroying the relationship.
The strength can be activated by choosing to do something else. It may be too soon to go on vacation, but some kind of change in the focus of attention is definitely required. Something unrelated, like going to the theater or cinema, will be useful.

Hexagram 15 interpretation of the Book of Changes
A turning point in the development of the event. In philosophical language - this is catharsis - the peak of psychological intensity and a relief that follows.
There is a fine line here - to press more or to let go?
Hexagram 15 indicates that further aggravation of the situation will bring collapse and destruction of what has already been created. The mechanism is working at its limits, a little more, and it will enter an uncontrollable stage.
You are obviously stressed and are now reacting inappropriately. Pause your emotions, do meditation or another practice that calms your nervousness.
It's not a rest that you need most, but a change of focus to look at the situation "from above".
A weak point is the obsessive belief that everything will fall apart without you. However, the opposite is true - you are now the cause of the potential collapse, but you refuse to see it.

Hexagram 52 interpretation of the Book of Changes
A moment has arrived in your business when the process has begun to stabilize. A precarious balance has been reached, it is necessary to accurately select a course of action in order to resolve everything with a single touch.
Here you need to feel the resonance.
A weak side may surface from attempting to use force or brute interference.
Look for what you may have missed, maybe some detail is interfering with the whole. Get help from other people in order to uncover the mistake. Don't make decisions until you're sure you've now found out exactly what the problem is.
Bear in mind that a single, thoughtful action now will prove far more beneficial than drastic intervention later.

Hexagram 39 interpretation of the Book of Changes
You are currently at the heart of important events. The way your development goes in the future depends on your actions. This means that what is happening now cannot be ignored by waiting it out or responding to it impulsively.
Hexagram 39 indicates that you are halfway to the completion of something serious, but you are faced with an issue that cannot be stepped over right away. This circumstance was a result of your "heavy approach", in other words, you have wound yourself up too much and created additional complexity.
You need your energy now not to put pressure on what is happening, but for a series of deliberate actions.
The best way forward is to admit your mistakes, possibly, with a slight retreat or by simply "cleaning up the mess". Roll up your sleeves and patiently resolve the issue without putting it off until tomorrow.
Weak position is waiting and passiveness. If the issue is not resolved, it will return to you later. This is the moment when a sort of "karma" is formed - which, if resolved now, will leave you alone forever.

Hexagram 53 interpretation of the Book of Changes
It appears that you have figured out everything, yet something else is gnawing at you? This is a kind of echo from past events.
The question has indeed been resolved, and what's currently happening stems from the previous unnecessary efforts. A minor side effect of the therapy.
Know that none of this really matters. Let things take their course.
If all is well with you, then continue in the same direction - further down, the situation will only gain more foothold. This is a smooth track.
In business, this indicates a good opportunity to repeat a successful deal. If the transaction hasn't been completed yet and there are doubts, they are groundless.
Hexagram 53 suggests that you relax and let yourself be carried by the flow of what is happening.

Hexagram 33 interpretation of the Book of Changes
You are on the threshold of a new cycle of events. Currently, it may seem to you that everything is determined, or vice versa - that everything is utterly ruined. This perception arises solely because the former phase has outlived itself, and the new one has not yet begun.
A possible problem is that you expected the events' conclusion, whereas this was their formation. Currently, everything is on hold in anticipation of the direction things will shift.
No decision or action is recommended for this situation. What remains is detaching oneself from what is happening and searching for insight.
It is recommended to attune oneself to the flow from your "Higher Self" and be receptive to any messages.. Try to maintain your vibrations at their peak - now more than ever this can affect the unfolding of events. In essence, it is time to focus on the inside, not on the outside.