Date August 10, 2024 - 17.00 (EEST)
In this webinar we will look at new thinking from a 5D perspective. This is a very different approach than we are used to using in our 3d way of thinking.
A different understanding of time. A different understanding of the meaning of life. A different understanding of materialization processes.
Different means conscious and efficient, so much so that it is incomprehensible to linear thinking. Different because it is the beginning of another Game.
We are moving on, accelerating in all processes. You may be used to the high rate of development already, but now it will accelerate by several more orders of magnitude.
After this webinar, you will have to decide whether to stay in a linear mindset or take on a new level of responsibility.
But, even if you decide to sleep on, you will no longer "develop" what you realize in this webinar. You won't be able to sleep well.
So think three times before you decide to participate in this webinar 😊