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 This setting builds the focus from focusing on the problem to a direct solution. You simply choose what you want, instead of looking for ways, straining your mind.

Then you easily and naturally observe how a "miracle happens" and the situation is exactly resolved in accordance with your choice.

The "impossible" solution to the "problem" becomes simple. 


The full version of the algorithm is revealed in detail at the Genesis webinar, where the conditions for its "operation" are explained.
The algorithm assumes:
- understanding what is being done and why;
- complete trust in your I AM;
- readiness to move on vibrations;
- a relaxed state without tension and increased expectations.


 This is your work with your vibrations, not outside interference.

This is not a struggle with beliefs, but a choice of focus.

Quality Assurance is your understanding of why and HOW each step works.

Books - "Instruction to Reality", "Instruction to the Body", "Keys to Consciousness" and "Wings of the Demon" were written by the author under the pseudonym lee.  Copyrights are protected by international law and the law  "ON COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS".  Any use of the text outside the agreement with the author will be challenged in court. To coordinate the use of the texts of the book “Instruction to Reality. Who am I?"  and "How to materialize thoughts" please contact the address indicated in the contacts of the site.

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