Instructions for reality
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A very simple question, it would seem, right? Let's answer it. What did you say? Human? Yes, there was a case when Plato defined a person as a two-legged animal until Diogenes brought him a rooster, then "without feathers" was added to the definition. And according to Kipling's fairy tale, Mowgli considered himself a wolf in general, since he was brought up in a pack of wolves. What is interesting is that this character had a real prototype.
Woman or man? Well, this is fixable, ask, for example, one of the Wychowski brothers, co-author of the film "The Matrix". Say that you are a specialist in such and such a profession? This is even more fixable. They changed their profession, and you were gone - right? Well, if everything is running for you and you define yourself as a resident of such and such a country, and even with a nationality and a certain color of skin, eyes, hair, then most likely you have troubles, like the whole country - you can list them for hours .
Let's try a little more. Say that you are a son, daughter, father, mother, brother... You can bet if this is the first definition that comes to your mind, then you have enough family problems, tasks, so much that you can read this book, perhaps, in the toilet or in transport.
Perhaps you think that someone else will explain to you who you are? Say, for example, that you are a good, sympathetic person. However, the truth is that there will always be a whole range of characteristics from different people. Some, one way or another, will consider you deceitful ... well, here you choose the epithets yourself, while others, of course, will designate you as a very attractive person.
The truth is that in order to understand WHO YOU are, you don't need to prove to others who you are not.
All this is layering, but what is real? Let's turn to the body. It would seem that it is simple - I am this body. Well, let's cut your nails and hair - here are the parts of your body. Are there many of you now? Or have you shrunk? But what about the replacement or loss of organs? The head of Professor Dowell from famous fiction - is this supposedly himself? Narrowing the search - the brain is you? In medicine, cases of loss of parts of the brain are known and at the same time the person remained himself, that is, I does not decrease from how much brain you have intact.
Show yourself. Say, "This is me." Where did you show? In the chest area? Now show with a gesture: “here are my thoughts about me.” Where did you show? On the head? Interesting, isn't it? With our gestures, we demonstrate a subconscious understanding of who we are.
So, we know what we have: body, mind, opinion of ourselves, opinion of others about us. Who has it? That which is I is not subject to definition. This is what true knowledge about oneself consists of: “I know that I exist,” or simply “I am.” This is the only truth that no philosopher, no doctor, and no religion with all its sects will convince you of. However, you can always decide that you are not, if that ...
I am - this is your truth.
Now you can realize quite clearly that you, as "I", have a body and have thoughts. Your thoughts create for your body all the paraphernalia that is hung "from above", but does not affect the "I" in any way - gender, nationality, citizenship, profession, marital status, religious preferences and other layers.
The donkey meets the ensign and asks: "Who are you?"
The ensign replies: "I am an officer"
The donkey replies: "So I'm a horse."
If the warrant officers were offended by the joke, they did not understand who they were. If donkeys are offended, then ...
We easily understand that there is "I". What else is there? There is something that your I controls. The first thing that comes to your mind, of course, is your arms, legs, eyes - that's done, they were moved somewhere. But! Look, you are in control of your breath. Can you hold him? Of course. You control thoughts. Can you choose a topic for reflection? Of course. So let's get down to business and start using what really belongs to you and is waiting for you to control.
You own what you control. You just didn't realize what you could control. In this manual, you will receive a complete list of features that will turn your head. It is better, of course, that the head does not spin, but gains clarity.
It's up to you whether you take control or again give it to others, those who seem to know what is best for you.
Chapter 2
So, since you are old enough to read this book, you are already on your way and you do not need to be given instructions on how to get into this reality. For clarity of description, let's imagine that you are the same "I" who is the captain of a ship sailing on the ocean of life. The ship is your set of everything that you used to consider yourself, but there is only one captain here - your "I am".
Where are we sailing?
Do you think the book will be responsible for you? No, this is your swim. If you yourself answer all the questions about yourself, you will sail exactly where you want, and if others answer for you, you will be where they want you to be. Do you agree? Now let's try to figure out where you are.
If you carefully examine your ship, you can find out whose influence on the course of the ship was decisive. Well, yes, of course, you are the most important captain, but ...
The Indian bought a motorcycle, got on it, drove through the street and crashed into the first tree.
He woke up, they asked him: “What happened?”
The Indian replies: “The habit of relaxing on the road. The horse found its own way home.
What or who brought your ship to this location? If you nod at "circumstances", then you are a bad captain. Imagine, you get on the plane, and the pilot says on the intercom: “Dear passengers, I am the captain of the Bezkhrebetny airliner. Now we will take off and fly where circumstances will lead us.” That would be a fun flight, don't you think?
As captain, you will hopefully acknowledge that you were in charge of your journey. Now let's see who influenced you when choosing a course.
First, of course, education. What you were laid by those who raised you gave you a starting spurt. Here it is a sail with the inscription "you must be ..." - one of the main ones, still inflated by the wind on your ship.
Second, social beliefs. That is, the public opinion that surrounded you at the time of choosing each turn on your course. The opinion told you something like this: "you live in the best country, which you are obliged to serve, you were born in such and such customs, which you are obliged to follow." Sometimes it’s tougher: “you have to dress like this, maintain such and such a hairstyle, wear such and such a thing on your head, cut off something there ...”. As a result, your society forms a rule for you: “you are good if…”. Otherwise, you are bad, which means you are a subhuman. I wonder how much your "I" worsens from this? In general, this sail on your ship can be called: "so right ...".
Third, your personal preferences. By the way, why are they not in the first place? The answer is simple - because you never thought about who you are and what exactly your "I" has preferences. Naturally, you will object that you have thought about it, however, wait a minute to draw conclusions. In fact, it was not your “I” that was conceived, but your set of the first two layers. The first two sails that pull you in the ocean. Your third, in terms of the main sail, is in front of the others, but it is not filled with wind. The first two obscure it.
It turns out such a picture: you are drawn by "you should" and "so right", dictating the conditions to your preferences. Do you disagree? If you do not agree, then we return on board, look where we swim. You like? If so, go enjoy your sailing, do not interrupt the pleasure of someone else leading your life, otherwise you will have to take the helm in your own hands and then the responsibility will fall on you.
If you are not satisfied with the situation, it turns out that you deliberately chose the first two sails, agreed that they were taking you somewhere, and then you are unhappy with the result. Most likely, you did not choose, but simply agreed that you owe something to someone. And if you are going to continue to agree to live to meet other people's requirements, then what is the final path? Retirement, old age, a glass of water from a nurse in the last resort?
You say no, wait, I have an important mission. Yeah. Which? Let's formulate where your ship must sail in order for you to complete your important mission. Do you want to raise children and make them wealthy? Are you thinking of sailing to a certain port “All for Children”, taking on board the number of children you need, giving them instructions that are useful from your point of view, then setting sail No. 1 for them and pushing the ships of your heirs? Certainly a worthy goal. At this point, you can put the book aside, let your children read it further, perhaps they will be able to break this endless circle of life for the sake of others.
Take another example of "important" missions. An island called "my business". You know the course and will stick to it no matter what, sacrificing anything and everything to reach your paradise. You might even swim. This is, of course, a beautiful island where you are a full-fledged owner. There you create a landscape of incomparable beauty. You are ready to spend your whole life decorating your island better and better. You are ready to rise at dawn and fall exhausted at night to make your island more beautiful. And of course, you hope that others will appreciate the island…
"Honey, choose any place on the map where we will arrange an unforgettable vacation."
“So it’s a wine list!”
"So what? Choose"
No one needs your island. Macedonian, Atilla, Genghis Khan, Caesar - these gentlemen conquered entire empires. You will say - but memory ... And what better way for them to keep your memory in the ground? And that your life would change a lot - do you know about these people or not? By the way, the first died young and ordered to bury himself with open palms, demonstrating that he had not taken anything with him to the next world. Three others died violent deaths without completing their mission. Pretty typical fate for empire builders.
Would you say that your children need your island? Do you want to stick your sail No. 1 (education) in them and again in a circle? Of course, you know what is best for your children, as their parents and the parents of their parents knew ... Your choice. Although it is not a fact that your children will agree to live according to your choice.
Perhaps your beautiful island is a service to others? Most likely, you have already suffered from these “others” and your suffering will never end, precisely because the “others” do not at all want someone to do something for them. Well, except from the position of the owners to dispose of the servants. If you like being a servant, go ahead, don't waste time reading, the masters are waiting for you. Like being a master, waiting for a servant? But the secret is that only a servant can become a master, because he is always a slave of another person or a slave of a position.
In a society of slaves, there is always someone on top, no matter how high you climb. And if you are that unique one who is at the very top - turn around, perhaps the knife is already in your back. Although, who cares, your island will wither immediately after your embalming. Then your mummy will be examined in the museum, having previously gutted it and replaced the gold jewelry with plastic.
Hamlet: "Tell me, my dear, who was this skull."
Gravedigger: "It belonged to the deceased"...
What's gloomy? Be patient and we will take off to the skies.
Is your life for God? This is great! Your god, however, turns out to be so weak that he can’t cope without you. Is it worth living for this god? Maybe you will find someone who will live for you? If you live not for him, but according to his precepts, then it is commendable, here you have a new sail, which is generally self-sufficient and ...
Hey, what are you doing here reading this book? You are a happy person who has known the truth with all the ensuing consequences. You are blessed and happy, how beautiful it is ...
Wait, why don't we hear about such people today?
Dead they become known, but the living are not seen. During the life of the “blessed” they were kicked from all sides, it is difficult to remember which of the apostles died a natural death. By the way, Google says no one - Google may have been there, he knows ...
Those who are on screen today for some reason do not look blessed, they are always saving the world from something, in the name of the Almighty who made this world. It's funny, the pot saves the potter, and the shoemaker's boot ...
And, apparently, they have been saving all this world for more than one millennium, and they are proud of this, that they have been saving for a very long time. Judging by the pace of salvation, more than one generation can be expected.
The lecturer talks about the solar system. One of the listeners suddenly raises his hand:
“Excuse me, when did you say the sun would start to go out?”
“In ten billion years.”
“Fuh,” the questioner wiped his forehead in relief. “And I heard millions”
And what method to save at all, if all religions say: “Our god is the most ancient! He created the earth even before the Egyptian Pyramids, so you need to strictly follow his messages in order to protect the world from bad people who do not do as indicated in books written based on the stories of eyewitnesses of those to whom the images appeared ... "
Well, you have made your choice, and your neighbor has his own, everyone saves loved ones from some "others". After all, everyone always has his own clear justification for his own choice.
For reflection - your social goals, in which you ignore yourself, do not have an ending that will satisfy you. There will always be unfinished business for posterity.
Why did we stop for so long on the sails that drag you into unknown oblivion? Yes, simply because, in order to distinguish them from those that you need.
If you look back at someone else's opinion, then keep in mind that it always weighs on what is already established, and everything new tends to crush. Every time you are told “no”, “impossible”, “wrong” - it only means “I didn’t manage it myself and I don’t believe in you.” "Normal people" usually, if successful, run in front of you, waving the flag, and in case of defeat, they push you to the fire, where they will burn you.
Let's leave the "others", let's return to the only important thing - to ourselves.
“I am” is the very sail that can take you exactly where you want. And only he. And just looking at it you will say: "Yes - I did it, I chose it, and I am responsible for this choice."
But even this is not enough.
Your sail is the one that turns your journey into an adventure. Your sail will immerse you in a state of joy every day. Instead of the meaningless path of "suffering for the sake of ...", it is more pleasant to sail a playful, joyful enjoyment of life.
You are already on board. You can already use the sail you need.
The good news is you can raise a new sail right now.
Chapter 3. How to start using yourself for your own purposes.
You have separated yourself from your attributes, you have looked at what drives you. So where is this "I" and how to find the right course?
Look back. How many years have you been living in a state of “I’ll push myself a little more, but then…”. Have you noticed that "later" never comes? Do you think you're a little stressed out? Ask others how many years they have been living in this state. And how many people do you personally know who lived to see "then"?
If you know those who are happy, look at how they live. Their main difference is that they live happily now. And most importantly, their happiness does not depend on the ultimate set of certain benefits, the final list of what needs to be done in life. First they are happy, and then the list. Or more precisely, their life goes "inside" the listing. This is as obvious as you have to jump first to be in the air, and not the other way around.
Mulla Nasreddin received a guest. The jug ran out of water, and he called his son.
“Son, go get some water,” said Nasreddin. Then he gave his son a slap on the back of the head and added:
"Be careful not to break the jug!"
The guest was very surprised: “Why beat the child if the jug has not yet been broken”?
- "And what will be the use of a cuff when the jug is already broken"?
You have already begun to wonder, but what about “I”, where to look for him, that is, “me”, if we wander around and around for so long?